Whole-Food  Plant-Based (WFPB)


Life decisions are about trade-offs.

Quality of life

WFPB improves quality of life in ways that are not captured by lifespan. None of these conditions are fatal, but they affect how people feel:

  • fatigue
  • acne
  • allergies
  • arthritis
  • cataracts
  • constipation
  • depression
  • gout
  • heartburn
  • osteoporosis

On a population-wide basis, WFPB reduces all those conditions.

Dr. Baxter Montgomery MD FACC discusses his unique plant based cardiac medical practice. (8-minute video)

  • 2:44 Case of 89-year-old patient improved quality of life
  • 4:47 Case of 83-year-old patient improved quality of life [health improvements this dramatic may have been due to coming off an exceptionally bad diet]
  • 6:23 Diet and quality of life
    Often times people say, "well their in their 80's or 90's. Let them eat what they want." But the problem is; eating bad food is torture. And if you just make simple fundamental changes in how you nourish your body; then the body will start to heal itself, and you start to have a higher quality of life. People say, "well I am going to die of something anyway, so let me enjoy my bad food and die." Well I agree, we are all going to die … We have so many years to live this life and you're not guaranteed to die tomorrow if you eat bad food; you may live another 20 years. And that 20 years maybe with backaches or you may have a stroke and live in a nursing home or et cetera. So you need to improve the quality of life for the sake of a better quality of life. Not for the sake of indefinite longevity … Eating proper food is ideal for any stage of life. If the doctor says you have 6 months to live, it's worth it to eat the best food and have the best 6 months left in your life.

Side-effect story (fiction)

This is a story about a couple that tried a WFPB trial for one month.

Tony and Maria gradually increased their blood-pressure medications over 30 years. A side effect of blood-pressure medicine is fatigue. The onset of fatigue was very gradual, spread out over 30-years. They didn't notice the fatigue, or they attributed the fatigue to aging.

Tony and Maria decided to try a 100% WFPB diet for a one-month trial. To make the diet easy to follow, they purchased WFPB convenience foods. They also removed non-WFPB foods from their home so they wouldn't be tempted. Tony's and Maria's monitored their blood pressure daily. Their doctors reduced their blood-pressure medicines a few times.

Tony noticed being more energetic. He didn't notice the gradual energy change over 30 years, but a rapid energy change in just 30 days was striking. Tony enjoyed eating the WFPB food and his newfound energy.

After the WFPB trial period, Tony decided to stay on the 95% WFPB diet. Maria decided to eat 80% WFPB for 80% of the health benefits. They expanded their WFPB repertoire with more WFPB recipes. Maintaining food restrictions became an easy habit and they lived happily ever after.

Moral of the story:
Tony and Maria could not have made an informed dietary decision without trying the WFPB diet long enough to experience its health benefits.

To find thousands of similar real-life stories, search the Internet for: blood-pressure medicine energetic WFPB


Life decisions are about trade-offs.

For people that are already sick from an unhealthy diet, WFPB is a way to feel better. In the first month of the WFPB diet, they experience increased health. It feels so good they want to keep that level of health. Once palate training is done it's just a matter of maintaining habits. Guarding against the pull of tasty-convenient food this month to feel good next month. Search your chronic condition to find how the WFPB diet would affect you.

For people that are already healthy, WFPB is an investment in future health. It's usually easier to prevent chronic disease now than to reverse a disease later in life:

  • Atherosclerosis
  • Cancer
  • Alzheimer's
  • and many more